One aspect of having a simple home is to keep it free from clutter. Below are five questions to ask yourself as you assess the items in your home. Items you purge can be sold, donated, recycled or given to family and friends.
1: Would I buy it today for full price? Focus on whether or not you would purchase the item right now. If the item no longer fits your taste, purge it. You don’t need to buy everything at full price, but you should love your stuff enough to be willing to pay full price for it. Freebies and sales are perks to buying something, not the reason you should buy something.
2: Would I keep it if I moved? Would this item be worth packing up, moving and unpacking in a new space? If you would want your next house to be clutter free, your current house can be clutter free, too.
3: Have I used it in the past six months or will I use it in the next six months? Be sure to use the word “will” and not the word “might” for this question. If you do not see yourself using it, it’s time to let it go so someone else can use it.
4: Do I already own an item that serves the same purpose? If you own many versions of an item or similar items, keep the best and purge the rest.
5: Do I feel obligated to keep it? Once something is given to you, it is yours. It is your home and your space, therefore it is your choice whether or not to keep an item. If you don’t love it or use it, but want to remember it, take a photo before purging it.
Happy decluttering!